Thursday, September 14, 2006

Too Blessed to be Stressed

"I am too blessed to be stressed and too anointed to be disappointed!"

I received this quote in an email from Marv's cousin today and it really just hit home with me and made me smile. How true this is for all of us here in America...even if things aren't going the way WE planned in our life~God can have a greater plan for you than you could have every thought possible. It doesn't always make sense, or seem to be as easy and nice as we would like it, but isn't it neat that even when our lives seem such a mess from our own doing, or from the card that has been dealt to us that God can work literal miracles and in our weaknesses HIS strength is stronger than anything in our life.

Satan loves to rob us of our joy by lying to us and getting us all worked up to the point of being so stressed and freaked out over what is going on in our lives at the moment. But WE ARE TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED. This doesn't mean that certain set backs, or tragedies in life aren't stressful, BUT we can decide to look at the blessings once we can get over the shock of the situation and then give God the glory for HIS perfect PEACE that comes in and takes over our nerves, heart rates, and blood pressure. It's easy to be disappointed when things just don't seem to follow our lesson plans that we have for our lives, but I have learned that when God's anointing falls on your life and you accept Him and make the decision to let him be the LORD of your life...not just going through the motions and being all religious and spiritual, but truly let HIM be on the throne of your heart then you can have a trust in God that will supersede anything this world has to offer.

I don't want to pretend that many of you reading this blog aren't experiencing some tremendous hurts, disappointments, grief, or straight up despair straight from the pit of hell. I've been there too over the last 36 years. I want to pray for you, and lift you up to the Lord. So that you can experience the amazing healing that only God can bring into your life. Hope this quote blesses someone today as it has me!


Kim said...

Preach it sister!

Tiffany said...

Don't mean to be preachy...just got inspired and had to share my heart! Now YOU on the other hand can preach it sister! Loved your phone message the other day! Thank you for your encouragement!


Michelle said...

Thank you for writing is great to remember that God is in control and can make meaning of all of our seeming chaos. Just tonight I mowed the very overgrown yard...I was stressed about having to ask for help to start the lawn mower as all of my attempts failed. Then when I finished mowing, as dark approached, I relented to the impossibility of starting the blower to clean up the clippings left behind. Even though it seems silly...this is feel helpless and incapable of a simple, every day task. BUT, as I read your blog, I realized something...BLESSED, and TAKEN CARE OF...the wind is blowing right now and fairly hard. Problem of the messy clippings solved! Thanks God, your needy child...Michelle. And thanks Tiff, I probably would not have stayed up late enough to hear the wind if I didn't have your inspiring blog to read. I love you, my great, big sister. (Great in this sentence is its own adjective not an adverb...just so you don't miss read it...ask the kids, they'll explain the difference!(ha!)