Thursday, September 21, 2006

Happy Fall Y'ALL!!!

I don't know if it's today, or tomorrow, or maybe it was yesterday.... I do know it feels like fall today with cooler temps and a little rain. Praise the Lord and thank you God for it! I love this season and time of year all most as much as the spring time! It just feels fresh, and cozy. When I start seeing the brown, yellow, and orange colored wreaths on the doors popping up I know it's Fall! When I see the scarecrows, pumpkins, and mums I know it's Fall. Unfortunately it will still be a while before the real trees start showing their fall colors IF they get around to it before the first big wind and freeze come through. When my friend Kim moved to Virginia she sent me real leaves off of trees to show me what Fall colors really were like in the real world. They were purple, red, orange, and yellow. Just amazing and so beautiful! Here in the Great State they are pretty much brown, yellow, and crunchy DEAD brown! I still love it though, and hope to someday travel up North, or East during this time of year and see what real Fall trees look like! Anybody want to join me?


AmyG said...

Hey...come see me in Washington! I hear the fall colors are beautiful here!

Love you!


Tiffany said...

I just might sister! With Marv being gone so much he keeps telling me to plan a time to 'get away' so maybe?.....Send me pictures anyway, or put them on your blog,K!

I'm praying for y'all on Thursday! Let us know!

Michelle said...

Don't go without me! Call me...we'll plan it all out. Sounds like we better hurry!