Friday, September 01, 2006

Taking a step back

I have kept a little girl, Emily, for the past couple of years since she was a baby, and now she is old enough to go to a mom's day out/preschool. She is now joined this year by her baby sister,Taylor, who is five months old. They are so fun to have the 4-6 times a month that I have them. It's really neat to see how my kids interact with them. When Emily is here it's like she is a part of our family and all of the sudden I have 4 kids. She has her own chair at our table, and just fits right in. My kids pretty much take over once they are home from school and I don't even realize she is here. This has been good for Julia to experience what it would be like to have a little sister, and to get some practice so that when she becomes a momma she will have some idea. Now that Taylor has joined her it is even better because all my kids are older and so helpful. Last week they came over and it was my first time to take Emily to her preschool. Man I felt like I had stepped into a time warp that slung me back to the mom's day out/ preschool days! It was a little unsettling and felt like I was taking a step back, but I did just fine! For those of you out there who still have little's true...don't blink cause they grow up fast! I just thought that was a saying that people said like when asked, "How are you? we say.."Fine." even if it's not the truth. But they really were telling the truth when they told me how fast it all happens! In many ways I'm so thankful to be out of that stage of life with the diaper bags, blankies, change of clothes, snacks, etc...but since going back with Emily it just makes me a little sad that it's over. Kinda like the way I was sad that our wedding day, and the birth of our children were over. You can't ever go back. It's fun to see others going through those passages of their lives, and to remember your own experiences. It's not so much fun for others to have to sit and listen to all your detailed accounts...when I had MY babies....back when we got married... I guess I feel very surreal most days, and have learned to really try and appreciate each and every moment as they happen cause it's just gonna be over before you know it.

Man is this so deep and serious, or what!!!?

I'm so grateful to God for all the blessings that this family of mine has brought in my life. I never would have dreamed as a child/rebelous teenager that he would have this for me in my future, but I'm glad to be able to be living this life the way that I do. Even if it doesn't always work out...I know his plan is perfect and in the good and bad times God is faithful to sustain and provide just what I need to make it through and learn what I need to learn so that I will be able to help others through when it's their turn.

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