Thursday, November 30, 2006

A Thankful Thanksgiving

We had a wonderful week of visiting, sleeping in, and enjoying the traditional turkey and dressin' with family! It was so nice to have a break from all the homework, kid's activities, and schedules. I often wonder what life would really be like if it could be like this last week all the time...who decided that a life of family, fun, and togetherness wasn't enough? I guess it might get old after a while, and we wouldn't have progressed as a country if we just kept it the way it used to be, but man I sure miss the gool old days....or at least what I hear about it. Marv's cousins came down from Illinois for a few days of fun. We went and saw Happy Feet (not my favorite movie by far), saw the trains at North Park Mall, learned how to make some jewelry from Alicia, and then went to lakehouse to visit with Darin and Cara before heading down to San Antonio. We decided to take the country road to stay off of 35 (it sometimes can take up to 2+ hours to get through Austin this time of year). Well the road we were on was shut down for over 3 hours due to a fatal wreck, so our 5 hour trip turned into more like 7. We were thankful to arrive safely though and said a prayer for families involved in crash. It was a great time being in the car together and driving away from all our worries!

We actually spent our Thanksgiving at my precious Aunt Jackie and Uncle David's home in Boerne. When I lost both of my dad's parents in the same year the Curbo side of family just kinda seemed to stop. We used to ALWAYS get together for holidays and summers at my grandparents place in Medina, but it was all gone until Jackie and David got a great place in the country for us all to have room to meet. We don't get everyone back, but it is so fun to see how life has continued on and how the little kids are now having their own kids. And so life just continues on.... I got to see one of my favorite and closest cousins (since we're the same age) and met his wife and two precious baby boys. I also got to play games and laugh with my Aunt Janice and Jackie just like old times. My sister and I swear we are turning out to be them!!! It's so fun to sit around the table again sharing, talking, laughing, and having deep discussions about politics and religion, and the way the world is going today. What is amazing though is how we can all either have similar opinions, or totally disagree, but we all leave loving and knowing that there is a bigger picture to this life and the way that we are called, or choose to live it.

I love my Curbo side of family and how we have survived even though we don't have my grandparents here on earth to hold us all together anymore. I'm certain that they are in heaven helping us along though and keeping the kinship fires burning with us as we make time and sacrifice to get together!

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