Sunday, November 19, 2006

It is Well with my Soul!

I have this song playing right now over and over on my cd player in my kitchen. It is the version sung by Natalie Grant...who was at the Women of Faith conference this summer. It fills my entire heart, body, and soul with peace and makes me want to shout HALLELUJAH to the neighbors who pass by and may see me singing along and worshippin' our Lord! I am so amazed as I look back over this first semester of middle school, fourth grade, and second to think of what God has brought us through. I only WISH that I could have gone under it, or around it, or over it, but NO~ I HAD to go THROUGH it ~with and by his strength and grace only Y'all!!!

I am amazed at how much our life and little family have changed and been through with the onset of our pre-teen's struggles at school and the hormones! It was something that I have always heard about, and even remember going through (although at a much later age), but you just can't really appreciate it until you are in the midst of it. I'm perplexed, surprised, frustrated, puzzled, and just in awe at the true changes that can occur when your precious baby can seemingly wake up one morning with a crackling voice, stinky pits, and an attitude that just won't stop even when the cows come home!!! My prayer life is about to pick up speed, and I have a book on order at Barnes and Nobles that my dear friend Kim has told me about...AGE OF OPPORTUNITY by Tripp. I know that Jeffrey and I are very much alike, and that it literally kills me to see him struggling cause I know that he got all that from me. Marv has been a great buffer, and rides in to save the day...daily....with math homework, and dealing with the TUDE. I'm so thankful for his wisdom and unconditional love! He helps me to try and remember to laugh instead of yellin' when the mental school child is in full gear, and I've got nothing left to even TRY and understand what is going through the boy's head!

I'm just so thankful for the times that sanity creeps back in, and reminds me that he still is my precious son just trying to break out of this painful coocoon time of life. It's not pretty, but it will be so worth it Lord! IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL thanks to the hope that I have for his future in YOU O LORD!

He is doing so well in band on the trombone, which Marv is so excited that he is following in his footsteps. He is also doing great with his guitar, and just began his last season of basketball with a team of friends that have played together since second grade. He has grown so tall, so we are hoping that will be an advantage for him this season. Jacob is loving his fourth grade school year with all his friends. He is such a friendly little guy, who is so much fun to watch at school. He just comes alive, and is ready to talk to anyone that will listen. It's neat to see him really excel in his piano lessons this year. He had a fall piano recital, and played a duet with his teacher. She is from Russia and has been great for Jacob pushing him to do amazing things! Marv and I got to sit in on one of his lessons, and couldn't believe all the things that she taught him in just 30 minutes on a new song. He was playing the thing by the end, and we were both in awe! He also does and hour of theory before his private lesson, so he is really going to be able to write his own music down soon! He is also going to play basketball this year with a new group of friends from his school through the Y. They are so excited, and it should be fun! NEWS FLASH....Jacob just came home from church choir practice and shared that he got a solo in our church Christmas program! He will sing his solo and then the adult choir will join in! How exciting!!

Julia is our little writer, which she did not get from me, but I have been trying to get from her! She is also taking a piano class lesson, and will begin private lessons this month because she is ahead of everyone else in the class and has already memorized all the songs. The teacher is also from Russia and has a beaming smile on her face when she whispers to us that she really needs private lessons....yes and how much more will that be, HUM? She also loves her jazz/hip hop dance class with 12 of her nearest and dearest friends from school. I love watching her move and smile the whole time! What a HAM!!! She MAY get that from me!!!? She is going to try her first year of basketball also with her friends, many also in dance with her. It should be a fun, and funny experience to see all those divas out there on the court trying to keep the ball under control! Our sweet friends the McAfees are coaching both Jacob and Julia's teams. It is always so much fun to share life with a group of families who try and live life the same way you do. We are thankful that all three kids love being active, involved, and love sharing life with their friends.

We have also been busy doing a new ministry this year along with directing our adult sunday school class. We have stepped into the 6th grade world of HOTSPOTS on Wednesday nights. The 6th grade NORTH group meets at our house where two men, and two women lead a small group of girls and boys from our church in bible study. We have been studying the book of James, and have really enjoyed learning how to live our lives in a different way from the world. We have snacks, fellowship time (trampoline/gameroom), whole group time, and then break off into smaller groups of girls (which I and the other lady take), and boys. It so neat to hear these girls hearts. They each have their own set of struggles, and hurts they are going through. It has been great for Jeffrey to really get to know some of the other guys from church since he doesn't go to school with any of them. He is quite the little actor when they do their skit to share their part of scripture. It has really been neat to see him gain some confidence and watch him become who God is making him through this group. Jacob and Julia are getting in on the big group time as well, so we are truely enjoying the ministry as a family!

Marv has been busier than ever with traveling, trying to recruit more and more agents to his office, and just keeping up with the goings on at the office. I'm so proud of him! He has met many obstacles that can just knock the wind out, and keep us looking up to God for the strength, wisdom, and peace to get through some of the things he has had to experience. He has grown and been stretched though. It's neat to see HIM be glorified when Marv has choosen to take a stand for his faith, and still lead the office to success.

I have been able to sub ALOT lately and love it! It's so great to just get in there and do what I love...teaching and loving on those sweet kiddos...without all the other stuff that goes with it. I don't know if or when I'll go back to full time's a daily prayer and seeking God's timing on that. I taught first grade for several years before the babies started taking over, and have always thought that I would never want to teach above like 2nd, or 3rd grade, but these last few jobs have been in 4th and 5th. It's amazing how fun it is to teach kids that can do for themselves. I even taught a 5th grade math class a few Fridays ago...I was so nervous cause they were doing fractions....but I had the teacher's book, which has ALL the answers!!!! Now all I had to do was try and figure out how to get to the answer! Well I would pick the smartest looking kid and say..."I have the answer, but I just wonder if YOU could tell me how YOU think that I GOT the answer!!" I really did kinda start to learn it by the 3rd class that I taught it to! Maybe that's what I should do.... teach math so that I could learn it better! SCARY THOUGHT!!! I do have a dream of painting, or creating something to sell someday. There are so many things that I would love to get involved in...for instance learning to play the banjo, or square dancing~no joke!!! But Marv isn't much of a dosey doer, and I don't think pickin' and grinnin' would be good for my nails. So maybe I will just get into painting of some kind and trying to keep up with the 6th grade math. I have only 2 weeks left of my boot camp and although I have had some great successes with it...I have still only begun my journey. I plan to join some friends who work out every morning, and possibly join a weight watchers group here in Frisco to help me stay accountable for food. My precious children are my little encouragers and help me keep the french fries from going in the pie hole!

Well sorry for the long post, but just felt the need to get everyone updated, and maybe even feel a sense of accomplishment myself when I look back on the new season of growth and blessings!

Happy Thanksgiving to all Friends and Family. Can't wait to hear from each of you via Christmas cards, emails, and blogs!


Misty said...

I was just thinking yesterday, when I spoke so briefly with you, that we needed to catch up. Well you took care of that! It is so good to hear how God is working in your lives.
I also LOVED all the recent pictures...but you know my favorite...2 brothas and a diva.

PS-I didn't know you were a flybaby!

Tiffany said...


I WAS flying high at one point, but now it's more like delete, delete, delete cause I just don't have time to read what I should be doing. And then there is the guilt when I KNOW what to do, but am too exhausted to do it! I have caught up lately with having visitors, sick kids, and just trying to get it ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas! How long have you been doing flylady?

Misty said...

2 1/2 years. I had actually heard about FlyLady several years before that but when my cousin, a homeschooling mother of 6, mentioned her I knew she had to be good. Before that I used The Organizer Lady (Messies Anon.) She is good too, but FlyLady seems to work best for me. I don't do it all, only read what I can and I delete a lot...but it has greatly improved my thinking. The 15 minute mindset has been the best motivator to try to maintain it. Hang in there!