Sunday, November 19, 2006

My Fridge

Okay I finally got around to taking some pics of my fridge for Kim~who tagged me. I guess it's just like any other fridge full of fun memories, friends, and families. Not to mention the vaca magnets, business and informational magnets, and kid's art work. Notice my pile o stuff that is hidden somewhat from my fridge. Flylady wouldn't be happy with this pile of clutter, but sometimes it's the only way to function until I have time to fling it. Funny thing about this fridge is that we bought it from one of Marv's clients for cheap cheap. We were so excited to be getting a stainless steal side by side. Little did I know until I tried to put up my FIRST of MANY pictures that the front of the fridge doesn't hold any type of magnet! So I can only utilize the sides which makes me keep the front clean and neat looking the way Marv loves it! Too funny! He was always fussin' at me for junkin' up the fridge and now he found a way short of taping stuff to it~now that's an idea!!!

I tag Michelle and Amy my sisters. Show me the fridge!

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