Thursday, April 12, 2007

WANTED: Comments

I've been blogging since this summer off and on and find it really therapeutic and fun to get to write about my family, fun, and life in general. I was introduced to the world of blogs by my friend Sonya, who had a friend Amanda, who both had their own blogs. I started keeping up with their blogs and realized quickly that I too wanted to get my own blog. I then told my friend Kim, and sisters Michelle and Amy about this new world. They too got their own blogs! How fun it has been to keep up with their everyday adventures, trips, kids, and being able to see pictures and comments on each day, week, or month... just all most making it feel like we aren't really thousands of miles from each other!

Well as I began to read all the other blogs I found links to so many other awesome moms out there. I noticed that some blogs really had lots of comments...meaning lots of readers, family, friends, and fans. While others didn't seem to have hardly any comments, or even ZERO comments. I kinda felt sad for those people cause that meant possibly several things....they don't have many friends, or families, or fans, or readers. Or that maybe what they were saying was BORING and not even worth a comment. OR even worse that no one was actually reading their blog...therefore what a waste of time unless they were just journaling for themselves! I myself never felt compelled to comment on some of these blogs cause well they don't know me....and I kinda felt like a lurking- peeping tom kind of person...peering into their lives...which I find fascinating...kinda a whole new level of people watching...ya know?

Well now that I'm back on line and really want to take my blog seriously...and by this I mean actually write and maybe even get my own mug up there along with links and just some color. I wasn't for sure that anyone was even really reading my blog unless I got an email, or phone call about it. But I then realized how boring my blog must look, or the things I shared where seen as goofy cause I started getting the 0 comments. hurts....can anyone out there relate with me? It becomes this sadistic kind of ritual where each morning you get on to check and see if anyone even cares that you are alive and bloggin'! I've had other friends comment to me on how they too become involved in wanting to share with the masses, and maybe even feeling like their views and life were somewhat important to those out in the world. I think being a stay at home mom is sometimes a lonely place when it comes to needing that adult conversation and approval that your brain is still working and you can think and have conversations on a higher level than the age of your oldest child!

Okay so then I got the site meter thing...way cool! It made me feel a little least I know that my friends and family are at least logging onto my blog and hopefully reading it...along with others in Peru, Germany, Poland, and Canada just to name a few! That makes my brain hurt to think about how far some of my thoughts are going...all around the world! I at that point then realize I have readers who
a. don't know how to comment(a.k.a. not computer savvy)
b. just don't know what to say to my rants and stories, or
c. like to remain lurkers like I did on so many blogs.
I think I will make it a new policy to comment every time I read another blog just so they know that I actually dropped by and peered into their world if only for a moment!

Okay so now if I have no comments on this entry, or on other entries after being so transparent with you all about how important the comments are to us bloggers then I'm gonna just assume you are laughing your head off at my sad little life and want me to have a bloggers complex! : )
P.S. My mom doesn't even know how to use email much less comment so she is forgiven, but now my daddy does have a clue when he isn't too busy with the bluegrass! Love y'all!


Kim said...

I am whippin' out my itty bitty little teensy weensy violin. Can you hear it? HEE HEE! I am commenting! Do you love it? Do you feel loved? Seriously. I am trying to get through your marathon of camping episodes. Have mercy that makes me want to burn my tent and camping equipment. I can't believe I haven't heard those stories yet!

Love you! Keep it up. The commenters will come....

Anonymous said...

I'm commenting.....but, 'no comment' on the whole camping fiasco...I have no idea who the clueless family was in those stories nor whom they seem to be following as a husband/father. The pictures seem to be of my own family, but my only recollection of any such camping trip took place in a very, very bad dream....I do however remember 'boat watching' at the lake.....

Luv ya babe!

Anonymous said...

OK, I'm commenting....your camping trip stories and Michelle's blog on the same was funny, great, and brought back a lot of fond memories.
Like, remember camping up in Canada in the rain and finally packing up in the rain to head back to your cousin's home in NY?
Ahhh, the "good 'ol days."

Anonymous said...

I thought you had flown off freckle, I'll start reading again!
Lea Ann

Anonymous said...

So glad you are there for me lurker Lea Ann! I sure think you gotta get you one of these here blogs my friend!


Anonymous said...

We all think said it! You spend valuable time spilling your guts on a blog and you can't help but wonder...does anyone give a flip what I have to say? Well, I am here to say, "I give a flip!"

Keep on writing, I'm reading! And I'm loving it!

Love you, sister.
