Thursday, January 11, 2007

Streams in the Desert book

My friend Kim tagged me to do this...

1) Grab the book closest to you
2) Open to page 123, go down to the fourth sentence
3) Post the text of the following 3 sentences
4) Name the author and book title
5) Tag three people to do the same

So I sit here and grab the closest book...and it didn't even have that many the next one to it was Streams in the Desert by L.B. Cowman. Great book and when I read it, or My Utmost for His Highest it amazes me how on target it usually is with where I am in my life. Well the date of this page is March 21st, but still somehow God is speaking clearly through this book...

Let us remember that no earthly circumstances can hinder the fulfillment of God's Word. We must look steadfastly at His Immutable Word and not at the uncertainty of this everchanging world. God desires for us to believe His Word without other evidence, and then He is ready to do for us "according to (our) faith."

And now my heart and I are sweetly singing--singing without the sound of tuneful strings; Drinking abundant waters in the desert;Crushed, and yet soaring as on eagle's wings.

According to your faith will it be done to you. (Matthew 9:29)

I'm so thankful that in the midst of craziness, sadness, lonesomeness, and when everything seems total chaos in your life that all we have to do is pray for peace and have faith that He will not only supply that peace, but walk by my side and be with me through it. It isn't always easy to do what the bible says, but I have to remember to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God!

I'm so thankful for the godly friends that God has blessed me with who will lift me up in prayer in time of need and knows that they can expect the same from me. There is a fresh and new freedom that I have experienced as of late in sharing my heart straight up and being transparent. It just has knocked down the walls and barriers around my heart and I am slowly beginning to be able to have faith in God's perfect will whatever that may hold and mean for me and my family in the future!

I tag Michelle, Amy, and Misty

1 comment:

Kim said...

I want a new post. I want pictures. I want them yesterday.

Got it?

Just kiddin' ya, but I would like some pic's. I'm having Jolly Kid Withdrawals!!!